A Tradition of High-Quality 学者

Since its founding in 1867, 皇冠99hg现金网一直致力于提供以学生为中心的学习为基础的知识追求.

When Joseph Baldwin, an innovative educator, opened a teachers college in Kirksville, 密苏里州, in 1867, he placed excellence in student learning as one of his top priorities. Under the guidance of visionary leaders and dedicated faculty, 对学生学习的强烈关注仍然是该机构的一个共同主线.

Fast forward to today and you’ll discover Truman has achieved a national reputation for providing graduates with high reputation credentials.

Joseph Baldwin
Joseph Baldwin, Founder of Truman State University

Historical Timeline



在1824年的条约中,爱荷华人、密苏里人和奥托人祖传的土地被割让. This land is later 被占领的 by the University.



During the early years, 鲍德温的私立学校在原来为坎伯兰学院而建的大楼里运作, a non-collegiate coed school, which closed before the building was completed. 今天, 在纪念公园的一块巨石上放着一张青铜桌子,标志着坎伯兰学院的旧址.

Photo: Cumberland Academy Building (1867)

Cumberland Academy 1867


The school’s name is changed to North 密苏里州 Normal School.


The school becomes the 密苏里州 State Normal School of the First District., 这是密苏里州支持的第一所高等教育机构,主要目的是为公立学校培养教师.


The Normal Building, later renamed Baldwin Hall in 1905, is the first building erected on the site of the current campus. 今天,柯克纪念堂位于旧鲍德温大厅塔楼的旧址上.

1880 Baldwin Tower


Basil Brewer writes a school song named The Purple and the White, and the school adopts purple and white as the official colors.


Eugene Morrow Violette, professor of history, sees the usefulness of visual aids in teaching and begins collecting materials and artifacts representative of early life in northeast 密苏里州. Some of the items he collected are now on display in the Ruth Towne Museum and 访问ors Center which also houses Truman’s Office of 入学.


The Bulldog, a symbol of tenacity, is adopted as the official school mascot.

Bulldog mascot over the years


The school’s name is changed to Northeast 密苏里州 State Teachers College.


Old Baldwin Hall is destroyed by a fire. Old Baldwin Hall after the fire in 1924


约瑟夫·鲍德温(Joseph Baldwin)的雕像竖立在四方广场上,以纪念该校创始人诞辰100周年.

Statue of Joseph Baldwin


建于密苏里大厅和四方广场之间的钟墙是在百年庆典上专门建造的. 这些钟是当地商人兼大学赞助人乔·伯德曼捐赠的. Burdman collected the five bronze bells from churches, 校舍, and 公共 buildings in northeast 密苏里州.



1967: View of campus


The school’s name is changed to Northeast 密苏里州 State College.


The school’s name is changed to Northeast 密苏里州 State University.


盖尔·奥尔布赖特,退休的演讲助理教授,写了杜鲁门的战斗歌, Hail to the Bulldogs!


The University is awarded the prestigious G. 美国州立学院和大学协会颁发的西奥多·米塔乌高等教育创新与变革奖.


政府. 约翰·阿什克罗夫特签署法案,指定该大学为密苏里州唯一的全州公立文科和理科大学, expanding its mission from a 区域 to a statewide institution. 杜鲁门被选中担任这一独特的角色,因为该机构已经开始从多用途课程转向竞争激烈的文科课程. 该州的目标是提供一个可以与全国最好的本科文理学院竞争的公共机构, and stem the flow of 密苏里州’s best and brightest students to other states.


The 钟楼 bells are dedicated on Oct. 16, 1992. Ruth Warner Towne (’39), 他是该校第一位荣誉毕业生,曾在皇冠99hg现金网教授历史,并于1983年至1988年担任研究生院院长, 为了纪念她的父母,她向学校赠送了四个铜钟和一个钟轮,用于皮克勒纪念图书馆的钟楼.

钟楼 and Library


In March 1993, 杜鲁门成为密苏里州第一所选择实现密苏里州高等教育协调委员会高度选择性任务类别的公立大学.


6月15日, 1995, 恰逢学校转变为州立大学十周年, 政府. 梅尔·卡纳汉签署法案将学校更名为皇冠99hg现金网. The new name complements the school’s statewide mission and honors Harry S. Truman, the only 密苏里州an to serve as the President of the United States.


The new name, Truman State University, becomes official on July 1, 1996.


Building on its rich history, 大学一直致力于学术卓越,并相信强大的教育是为持续个人成长和服务的生活做准备的最佳手段.

Historical Overview

Truman State University, 密苏里州’s 公共 liberal arts and sciences university, began September 2, 1867, 当时约瑟夫·鲍德温开办了北密苏里师范学校和商业学院.

皇冠99hg现金网有过多次更名的历史,每一次都反映了一项新的机构使命. On December 29, 1870, as a result of persistent leadership by Baldwin and Adair County citizens, 密苏里州议会决定让鲍德温的私立学院成为第一地区师范学校, 这是密苏里州支持的第一所高等教育机构,主要目的是为公立学校培养教师.

Nearly fifty years later, through an act passed by the General Assembly and signed by the 政府ernor on May 20, 1919, the normal school became Northeast 密苏里州 State Teachers College.

Throughout its history, 杜鲁门一直稳定地发挥领导作用,并反映出应对需求的创新精神. In 1967, 校董会认识到该机构更广泛的使命,并采取行动,首先将名称改为东北密苏里州立学院, and then in 1972 to Northeast 密苏里州 State University.

Truman historically has welcomed change. To better serve the needs and actualize the potential of its students, the University has met challenges creatively but realistically. The signing of House Bill 196 on June 20, 1985, changed Truman’s mission from an open enrollment, 区域, multipurpose university to the statewide, 公共, liberal arts and sciences institution. 杜鲁门被选中担任这一独特的角色,因为该机构已经开始从多用途课程转向竞争激烈的文科课程. 该州的目标是提供一个可以与全国最好的本科文理学院竞争的公共机构, and stem the flow of 密苏里州’s best and brightest students to other states. 1993年3月,杜鲁门成为密苏里州第一所公立大学,选择实现密苏里州高等教育协调委员会高度选择性的任务类别. The University’s name change to Truman State University on July 1, 1996, was part of the logical progression of its new mission.

Forty years ago in another innovative venture, 杜鲁门发起了一项全面的学生评估计划来衡量杜鲁门的教育质量. During recent years, Truman has continued to build its assessment program, 其目的是确保每个学生接受最高质量的文科和理科教育, tailored to his or her needs, and an academic degree of integrity. Numerous institutions, 作者, 高等教育的领导者们将该项目作为一个可行的模式来效仿,以确保教育问责制.

A continuity of purpose is evident in the growth and changes of Truman. 大学一直致力于学术卓越,并支持这样一种信念,即强大的教育是为继续个人成长和服务的生活做准备的最佳手段. 此外, 其提高教师素质的历史使命促使该大学在使教育更加专业化方面处于全国领先地位. 承诺, unity of purpose, 以及对学生学习的专注——把重要的事情放在第一位——使皇冠99hg现金网有了现在的使命和卓越的学术成就.