Art - BA and BFA: Studio
The Studio Art Program
For the Bachelor of Fine Arts in Studio Art, you can choose from six different studio emphases in ceramics, fibers, painting, photography, printmaking, and sculpture. 专注于一个特定的工作室区域或结合两个跨专业的选择.
Areas of Specialty
Career Paths
随着许多领域的新机构开放,博物馆和画廊的职业也在增长, and old ones add new wings and new community outreach programs. 这些专业人士所担任的职位的头衔给人一种可供选择的多样性:画廊总监, Museum Curator, Museum Educator, Program Manager, Exhibit Installation Manager, etc. 而拥有合适的本科经验的毕业生(例如在大学美术馆为我们的画廊总监工作)确实可以获得具有良好时薪的入门级工作, a more ambitious route is to pursue graduate education in Art History, Studio Art, Education, 或博物馆研究,同时有意将自己的研究和部门服务经验集中在该领域的工作上. Either way, 在皇冠99hg现金网获得本科学位,并辅修跨学科的博物馆研究专业,是了解这些职业道路并为下一步做好准备的绝佳途径. Alumni working in this field include Mike Murawski, Director of Learning and Community Partnerships at the Portland Art Museum, Jennifer Teter, Executive Director and Curator at the Quincy Art Center, and Samantha Lyons, Assistant Curator at the San Jose Museum of Quilts ad Textiles.
作为一名艺术家谋生的机会往往是自己创造的,可能取决于一个人从商业角度思考艺术的能力. 其他人不喜欢把销售放在第一位,而是利用他们的文科技能在艺术和文化领域工作, or go a more entrepreneurial route, while pursuing their art on the side. 由于它更专注于专业实践和一种特定的艺术媒介, the BFA degree is more appropriate to this career path than is the BA. 有些媒体更自然地引导职业创造的媒介选择-例如我们的陶瓷校友成为专业陶工,我们的摄影校友成为专业摄影师. 其他校友在各种各样的职业中实践他们的手艺,包括壁画家, work in print shops, own their own fiber arts studios, or create public sculptures.
To work as a licensed art therapist, which also includes more general therapy certification, you will need a graduate degree in Art Therapy. 艺术治疗研究生学位是在临床环境中获得硕士学位的可靠途径, 要么是艺术治疗师的头衔,要么是另一个可以发挥艺术治疗技能的角色. For most of those graduate programs an undergraduate degree in Art, plus a selection of psychology and statistics courses, is the best preparation. 由于需要额外的课程,我们通常建议你继续攻读学士学位, which allows for more flexibility in one’s course schedule than the BFA. Contacts in the field, such as Truman alum Megan Robb, 南伊利诺伊大学爱德华兹维尔分校艺术治疗研究生项目主任, 建议一个人在临床实践的环境中寻找工作经验, or with a population receiving therapeutic services. A well written personal statement, and a portfolio of artwork demonstrating expressive communication, rather than simply strong technical skills, are also important parts of the graduate application.
Graphic Design at Truman is a high tech, digital field with education in the professional aesthetics, design theory, and the technology that designers utilize. 这是一个研究领域,加强了皇冠99hg现金网的文科使命. 平面设计师通过他们的创意概念塑造和影响社会, on-target messaging, expressive visuals, and innovative designs seen my million of people every day.
Our alumni work as…
Business Owners
Creative Directors
Art Directors
Graphic Designers
Web Designers
Web Developers
UX/UI Designers
Production Artists
2D and 3D Asset Developers
Motion Artists and Animators
Freelance Designers
Advertising and Marketing Agencies
Public Relations Firms
Publishing Companies – book and/or periodicals
Commercial Printing
Corporate In-house Creative Teams
Internet-based Communications
Television and Broadcast Companies
Animation/Motion studios
Entertainment industry
Anna Pavan 2019: JSL Marketing and Web Design
Josh Fakler 2019: Cannonball
Claire Nipper 2018: Origin Agency
Rose Linhares 2017: Atomic Dust
Lauren Jin 2017: New Balance
Brandon Ribbs 2018: RL/D Creative
Jenny Cross 2012: TwoTone Creative
Reina Koyano 2012: Snap Inc.
Megan Irwin 2006: Cheree Berry Paper
James Wagner 2000: Lagom Design
Interested in teaching art? We currently offer two pathways to an Art Certification. 一种是通过基础教育的MAE,另一种是通过特殊教育的MAE——这两种都需要搭配艺术学士学位. 本科学位和硕士学位的结合(如果你计划早的话,一年的课程), 辅以美术教室的观察时间,并通过参加DESE内容考试获得认证, provides an outstanding preparation for teaching in elementary education, special education and/or art education.
在杜鲁门,我们所有的老师都对这个有回报的领域有丰富的知识. Teaching at the college level requires a Master’s degree and often, as with all Truman faculty, a terminal degree such as the MFA or PhD is required. It is also a field that requires and rewards an ongoing creative practice, which is one reason many artists are drawn to academia. 那些对艺术史教学感兴趣的人会想要在我们的学士学位中专注于这一领域, 而那些对美术或平面设计感兴趣的人最好选择博鳌亚洲论坛. Like many fields, 由于人口结构的变化,高等教育已经中断并正在发展, changing demands from society, and the possibilities and pitfalls of the internet. 未来的大学教授需要能够适应不断变化的环境,就像今天成功的大学教授有一套与几十年前不同的技能和性格一样. Alumni working in this filed include Alexander Thierry, 南卡罗来纳州立大学陶瓷与艺术教育助理教授, Linh T. Dao, Assistant Professor in the Art & Design Department at California Polytechnic State University, and Dr. Jasmine Cloud, Associate Professor at the University of Central Missouri.
Truman Art alums frequently create their own dream job. 他们创立了自己的企业,提供世界还不知道需要的产品和服务. 他们是否在用自己的绘画技巧帮助财富500强公司将他们的使命具体化, 开办自己的陶艺工作室,公众可以在那里创作自己的作品,也可以购买老板的独一无二的陶器, 或者自己做自由插画师和文字专家——这些以前的学生正在文化经济中创造自己的利基.
Many of the websites listed in previous headings could also fit here, 这些是我们校友创立的其他艺术类企业的网站:
接受文科教育的部分目的是为你发现自己的人生道路做好准备. Adding creative skills to the basic set of research, writing, oral communication, 批判性思维能力使我们的毕业生对几乎任何组织都有价值. 我们的校友在文化领域内外都有各种各样的职业. They are lawyers, medical professionals, community activists, non-profit professionals, fundraisers, civil servants, small business owners, and so much more.
Art Student Resources
Art Studios
As an art major, 你花了大量的时间在各种陶瓷艺术工作室, fibers, painting, photography, printmaking, and sculpture.
Student Organizations
If you're interested in studio art, you might be especially qualified for the printmaking, ceramics, and fibers clubs.