Truman’s public liberal arts mission and vision embrace the importance of transformational learning opportunities in both the curricular and co-curricular realms. It is inevitable conflicts will arise between those curricular and co-curricular experiences. 像这样, 这所大学要求学生参加所有的课程, 然而认识到课外机会可能导致缺课. 教师, 学生, and staff have the responsibility to support an environment that upholds the integrity of a Truman education and 学生’ ability to experience a diversity of educational experiences.
To facilitate reasonable handling of class absences, this policy outlines what is considered a 批准的缺席 以及学生、教师和课外活动组织者的责任.
杜鲁门遵守联邦法律皇冠99hg现金网住宿的规定. Absences related to disability accommodations will be handled in coordination with the Disability Services Office. Absences related to Title IX will be handled in coordination with the Institutional Compliance Office.
1. 制裁缺勤政策
a. No student having a 批准的缺席 shall be penalized for such absence on account solely of being absent. Nothing in this policy is intended to excuse a student from the responsibility to make up missed work within a reasonable length of time.
b. 一旦一个学生错过了 6.67% of class time (the equivalent of one week of classes during the fall and spring semester) due to 批准的缺席s, the instructor will have discretion over whether to deem additional absences as sanctioned.
c. Courses with field or clinical placements may defer to the attendance policy of the cooperating agencies.
2. 制裁缺勤的定义
Absences of 学生 from scheduled classes will be considered sanctioned for the following listed reasons:
a. Participation as a representative of the University in a scheduled intercollegiate athletic event.
b. Participation as a representative of the University in a scheduled professional/academic conference, 学术竞争, 或者作为课程的一部分安排的实地考察.
c. Participation as an officer of a University co-curricular organization in a scheduled conference for which participation is mandatory for the student (e.g.(一个全国性学生组织的所有主席必须参加的年度会议)。.
d. Professional or graduate school interviews as well as professional job interviews that cannot be rescheduled.
e. 因健康原因缺勤,并提供有效证明.
f. 杜鲁门的不歧视政策所涵盖的缺勤(如.g. 特殊宗教仪式、军事承诺).
g. 本列表中未特别注明的其他情况, but approved by the Instructor or Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost.
3. 学生的责任
a. 学生必须了解课程大纲中列出的课程要求.
b. 学生应在预期缺课时间内通知导师. 意外缺课的学生应尽早通知老师.
c. 除了通知在免费添加/删除期间, 学生旷课前应再次通知老师, 以书面通知.
d. Students shall make arrangements with instructors prior to their absence to make up any missed work within a reasonable amount of time.
e. Students shall make arrangements with instructors for unexpected absences to make up any missed work as soon as possible.
4. 教师职责
a. 教师应该在课程大纲中明确规定课程要求.
b. 每位教师将制定一项被批准的缺勤政策, 哪一项是遵循“惩罚缺勤”政策和“惩罚缺勤”定义的. In lieu of such an individual policy, a department may choose to develop a departmental policy. Such a policy should specify clearly the number of allowed 批准的缺席s (if over the default of 6.67%), 任何额外缺课和未经批准缺课的课程处罚, 以及安排补考合格工作的程序.
c. The absence policy shall be made a part of the course syllabus and shall be made available in print or electronically to all enrolled 学生 before the end of the free add/drop period of the academic term.
d. 教师可能会要求旷课学生在截止日期前提交课堂作业, provided such deadlines are a part of the course syllabus and were available to the student before the end of the free add/drop period of the academic term.
5. 大学组织举办课外活动的责任
a. University organizations should do everything they can to develop schedules that minimize absences from class. They should also work with their participating 学生 to ensure that those 学生 communicate clearly with faculty regarding the classes they will miss.
b. 大学组织将为学生提供书面文件, 哪些可以根据要求提供给教员, 概述缺席的目的, 学生离开校园的时间, 学生将返回校园的时间, 还有所有要缺席的学生名单.
c. University organizations will ensure that 学生 understand that if they are denied a 批准的缺席 in excess of the limit that such 学生 have the option to absent themselves from a co-curricular university-sanctioned activity and that their university scholarships will not be jeopardized by such a decision.
6. 课外活动、会议和实地考察的缺席政策
提供丰富的文化教育, Truman recognizes a total University experience extends beyond regularly scheduled instruction in a formal classroom or laboratory setting. There are a number of educational events or activities that occur outside these settings (e.g.音乐会、戏剧、实地考察等.),是学生文科教育的重要组成部分. 参加课外活动可能会给一些大学生带来困难, 尤其是那些有工作和其他承诺的人. 因此, 对于此类活动,应为所有学生提供合理的安排, 附下列规定:
a. Instructors may schedule out-of-class experiences as they deem necessary to achieve the purposes and goals of their course. 当这些活动与学生的其他班会冲突时, 必须让学生选择参加常规的课堂会议而不受处罚. Students for whom attendance at any such event will constitute a hardship with scheduled classes or family or employment responsibilities shall be granted an opportunity to complete an equivalent alternative assignment to meet the course requirements.
b. 尽可能地, all out-of-class events at which student attendance is expected are to be included on the course syllabus by the end of the free add/drop period.
7. 上诉
a. Any appeal of a published attendance policy will be a part of a grade appeal; such an appeal must be initiated according to the guidelines outlined in and will follow the schedule mandated by the University Grade 上诉 Policy (see 学术政策和程序 -职系上诉政策).
b. Relevant issues to consider by those determining appeals will include whether the respective parties met their responsibilities under Part 3-6.
SB6516 2017年修订